a collection of notes on areas of personal interest
As I wrote on the first page of this site, there are likely to be continual changes as the notes are added to and the pages develop over time. Looking at other sites I’ve found I have a problem discovering what has changed since my last visit so, in an attempt to track what I’ve changed myself, I’ll make a determined attempt to keep this up to date by using this page to record each change.
However, although each reference will take you to the actual comment, when there is more than one change on a single page you will be taken only to that page and will then have to look down for the amendment or addition.
The latest additions and amendments to any of the pages will be marked by a pale background – as in this paragraph. I hope this will be sufficient to mark changes and be relatively easily seen.
Date |
Reference |
Description |
2012.12.30 | Islamic geometry 01 | An illustrated note has been added on the reading of patterns. |
2012.12.28 | Addendum – planning Addendum – population |
Illustrations and notes have been added on the development of planning in the New District of Doha together with notes on Qatari population figures. |
2012.12.26 | Addendum – planning | Photographs and notes have been added relating to projects on the Corniche. |
2012.12.24 | Gulf architecture 08 Addendum – population References Glossary |
Photographs and notes have been added on details associated with doors and façades, the population statistics for November 2012 have been updated, and a word and reference added. |
2012.12.21 | Gulf architecture 08 | Illustrated notes have been added on architraves, calligraphy and painted entrances. |
2012.12.18 | Islamic geometry 02 Addendum – planning Islamic gardens |
Notes on numeral systems have been amended and augmented, and notes on building heights in the NDOD and traditional plant husbandry added. |
2012.12.15 | About | The ‘About’ page has been slightly amended – though not necessarily improved… |
2012.12.10 | Gulf architecture 08 References |
Notes and a number of photographs have been added on the decoration of doors, together with a reference. |
2012.12.08 | Gulf architecture 08 | Notes and a number of photographs have been added on traditional door locks. |
2012.12.06 | Gulf architecture 08 | Notes and photographs have been added on carved doors. |
2012.12.03 | Gulf architecture 08 Glossary Expatriate housing study |
Notes and a number of photographs have been added on traditional doors, a word added to the glossary, and a number of small amendments made to the expatriate housing page. |
2012.11.25 | Gulf architecture 08 | Notes and a number of photographs have been added on traditional dooors. |
2012.11.23 | Gulf architecture 01 Islamic urban design 05 |
Notes and a number of photographs have been added on the traditional decoration of rooms and legibility of signs. |
2012.11.22 | Gulf architecture 02 Gulf architecture 03 |
Notes and photographs have been added on toilet accommodation and the incorporation of vertical gutters into walls. |
2012.11.20 | Addendum – security The State’s administration |
A note has been added on issues related to security and information added on the history of the Council of Ministers. |
2012.11.16 | The State’s administration | A new page has been started looking at aspects of the State’s administration. |
2012.11.13 | Islamic urban design 03 | Notes and photographs relating to the New District of Doha have been added. |
2012.11.11 | Society 01 References |
An illustrated note on urban spaces and references have been added. |
2012.11.09 | Old photographs of Qatar 01 Old photographs of Qatar 02 Islamic urban design 04 |
Photographs and accompanying notes have been added relating to Wakra and the Diwan al Amiri project. |
2012.11.06 | References | A reference to the development of water resources has been added. |
2012.11.05 | Addendum – population Arabic / Islamic gardens References |
Population statistics for the month of October, a reference to the eleventh century planting of date palms, and a reference to an interesting site dealing with traditional agronomy have been added. |
2012.11.04 | Addendum – geography | A note has been added on the noise made by sand dunes. |
2012.11.01 | Islamic urban design 04 | A number of photographs and notes have been added relating to the Diwan al Amiri project. |
2012.10.31 | Gulf architecture 04 | A number of photographs have been added, mostly taken in the Bastakia area of Dubai, an illustration has been re-drafted and notes added. |
2012.10.26 | Society 03 | A photograph and note have been added on mens’ dress. |
2012.10.24 | Islamic geometry References |
A note has been amended and expanded on sacred geometry, and a reference added. |
2012.10.22 | Islamic geometry Islamic geometry 02 Graphic studies |
An illustration has been added for the construction of a basic geometric framework and on a characteristic of pentagons. Studies have been added on Eid greetings. |
2012.10.18 | Greeting cards Islamic geometry 02 |
Illustrations of old home-made greeting cards have been added together with notes on the appearance of √3 and √5 in geometric designs. |
2012.10.15 | Glossary | A number of words or expressions have been added to the glossary. |
2012.10.10 | Islamic geometry 02 | A method for constructing eighteen point geometry has been added. |
2012.10.09 | Islamic geometry 02 | A method of trisecting an angle of between 90° and 120° has been added to one of the geometry pages. |
2012.10.06 | Glossary Islamic geometry 02 |
Additions have been made to the glossary and a construction for a nonagon added. |
2012.10.01 | Perception Addendum – population |
Notes and a photograph have been added on the importance of acoustics in and around buildings, and the population statistics updated. |
2012.09.27 | Society 01 References |
Notes and photographs have been added on the concepts of the majlis and diwaniyah together with a reference. |
2012.09.22 | Gulf architecture 04 Addendum – old Qatar 01 |
Notes and a number of photographs have been added to one of the Gulf architecture pages on conservation and to the old photos of Qatar. |
2012.09.18 | Gulf architecture 04 Addendum – links |
Photographs and notes have been added on the use and construction of the badgheer together with a link to a site of photographs of Qatar. |
2012.09.16 | Gulf architecture 04 | A photograph and note have been added on wind towers. |
2012.09.14 | Pressures for change Addendum – history |
Notes have been added on Islamic banking and on the mapping of the peninsula. |
2012.09.10 | Greeting cards | A note and illustration have been added on greeting card design. |
2012.09.07 | Gulf architecture 07 | A photograph has been added of an old masjid in the central area of Doha. |
2012.09.04 | Addendum – planning | A note has been added on the sports club outside Medinat al-Shamal. |
2012.09.03 | Addendum – population Addendum – planning |
The population statistics for August have been updated and an illustration of a planned governmental administration building added. |
2012.09.02 | Gulf architecture 03 Gulf architecture 04 Gulf architecture 05 Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 |
A number of photographs and notes have been added on traditional architecture, particularly the design of naqsh plasterwork. |
2012.08.31 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 Addendum – old Qatar 01 |
Notes, photographs and illustrations have been added on traditional running patterns and a fort. |
2012.08.30 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 | A note has been added on traditional running patterns. |
2012.08.29 | Gulf architecture 02 | Photographs with commentary relating to old buildings have been added, and notes moved from one of the old architecture pages to a Gulf architecture page. |
2012.08.28 | Addendum – old Qatar 01 Addendum – old Qatar 02 |
Sixteen photographs with accompanying notes have been added to the pages on old Qatar. |
2012.08.26 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 | Notes and illustrations have been added on running patterns in traditional buildings. |
2012.08.24 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 | A geometrical construction for thirteen-point patterns has been added. |
2012.08.23 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 Gulf architecture 05 |
Notes and illustrations relating to spirals have been moved from one of the traditional Gulf architecture pages to a geometry page. |
2012.08.22 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 | Notes and illustrations have been added on running patterns in traditional buildings. |
2012.08.20 | Addendum – old Qatar 02 | Notes and four photographs have been added relating to the development for Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim at feriq al Salata. |
2012.08.08 | Design studies | A pair of preliminary kufic studies have been added. |
2012.08.06 | ReferencesReferences Addendum – population |
A number of references have been added and the population statistics updated for July. |
2012.08.05 | Society 01 Addendum – planning Islamic urban design 05 Addendum – old Qatar 01 References |
Photographs of camels, old hotels and Rayyan have been added together with a reference. |
2012.08.04 | Society 01 Glossary References |
A note and photographs have been added relating to the music of pearlers. Two references have been added and words have been amended and added to the glossary. |
2012.08.03 | Gulf architecture 07 Society 01 References |
A note and two photographs have been added on the design of an old masjid and its manara at al-Khor, a note on music has been started on one of the Society pages, and two references added. |
2012.08.02 | Addendum – planning | A note and photograph have been added on the location of Qatar University. |
2012.08.01 | Glossary References |
A number of words have been added to the glossary, together with two references. |
2012.07.30 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 | Photographs and notes on the use of cut glass or mirror work have been added on one of the Arabic / Islamic geometry pages. |
2012.07.29 | Society 03 | Photographs and notes have been added relating to mens’ dress. |
2012.07.25 | References Islamic urban design 01 |
A reference has been added together with notes on the affordability of new buildings. A number of photographs have been added. |
2012.07.23 | Addendum – planning Perception |
Notes relating to demolition, blight and way-finding have been added. |
2012.07.21 | References Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 Arabic / Islamic geometry 01 |
A reference has been added, a drawing re-drafted and a study of a five-point geometrical panel added. |
2012.07.19 | Gulf architecture 02 Addendum – History |
A map of the north of Qatar has been added together with some commentary on two pages. |
2012.07.17 | Addendum – History Links to other sites |
A map of Qatar has been slightly amended and a link to a geometry related website added. |
2012.07.16 | Society 04 | Notes and photographs on pearling have been added to one of the Society pages. |
2012.07.12 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 01 | Notes and illustrations have been added relating to selection of ten-point patterns. |
2012.07.11 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 01 | Notes and illustrations have been added relating to ten-point patterns. |
2012.07.06 | Gulf architecture 07 | Notes and eight photographs relating to old masaajid have been added. |
2012.07.03 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 | Notes on different aspects of geometry have been added to. |
2012.07.01 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 Addendum – population |
Notes on spiral geometry and the use of the decorative arch have been added to the page which looks at Qatari geometry. The population statistics updated. |
2012.06.28 | Gulf architecture 03 | A number of photographs with accompanying notes have been added relating to the use of the decorative arch. |
2012.06.24 | Gulf architecture 03 Society 01 |
A number of photographs with accompanying notes have been added relating to the trabeated construction of traditional buildings and women at work. |
2012.06.21 | Gulf architecture 07 | A number of photographs with accompanying notes have been added relating to old masaajid |
2012.06.20 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 | A note on the construction of a six-point form has been added. |
2012.06.18 | Society 02 Glossary |
Old photographs and accompanying notes have been added relating to fishing, and definitions added to the glossary. |
2012.06.16 | Glossary Addendum – old Qatar 01 Addendum – old Qatar 02 |
A glossary definition has been amended, the page on old Qatar made into two pages, and all related pages amended accordingly. |
2012.06.15 | Gulf architecture 02 Addendum – old Qatar References |
Photographs and accompanying notes have been added on buildings from the mid-20th century, together with two references. |
2012.06.11 | Gulf architecture 07 | Photographs and accompanying notes have been added on the masjid at Zikreet. |
2012.06.10 | Addendum – old Qatar Gulf architecture 08 |
Notes have been added, together with a number of photographs relating to the traditional buildings of the peninsula. |
2012.06.07 | Society 01 Building regulations |
Notes on women in tertiary education and the development of regulations have been added. |
2012.06.04 | Addendum – population | The population statistics for May 2012 have been added. |
2012.06.03 | Gulf architecture 02 Addendum – old Qatar |
Notes and a number of photographs of developments of the 1960s in the peninsula have been added. |
2012.06.01 | Gulf architecture 07 | Two photographs supported by a note have been added on the design of old mosques. |
2012.05.29 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 References Infrastructure development |
A note and illustrations have been added on the design of a fourteen-point geometrical pattern. Three references have been added together with a note on fire. |
2012.05.26 | Islamic urban design 05 | A note and photograph on unnecessary signing have been added. |
2012.05.22 | References Glossary |
A number of references have been added and a glossary definition amended. |
2012.05.19 | References | A number of references have been added. |
2012.05.17 | Addendum – traditional boats Addendum – boat types |
Notes and illustrations have been added relating to boat types and their decoration. |
2012.05.16 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 Addendum – links |
Notes have been added on spirals and their incorporation in naqsh plasterwork, and on eccentric designwork. Links to other sites have been added. |
2012.05.14 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 | A note has been added on the need for trial and error in establishing difficult geometric patterns. |
2012.05.13 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 | A note has been added on the significance of the number 19. |
2012.05.10 | Society 01 Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 |
A note has been started on urban spaces, and notes on the geometry of spirals in Qatari naqsh work added. |
2012.05.05 | Addendum – population Addendum – planning |
The population figures for April 2012 have been added, together with illustrations to the Musheirib project. |
2012.04.30 | Society 01 Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 The Babaud and Masson families |
Notes have been added on Qatari social networks and twelve-point geometry together with an illustration of the Chevalier d’Éon de Beaumont on one of the Cassini pages. |
2012.04.28 | References Society 04 Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 |
A note has been added on women in the workplace, and a note started on pentagons. A number of references have been added. |
2012.04.25 | Islamic urban design 03 Islamic urban design 04 References |
A photograph and notes on the lighting of buildings has been added on two pages together with a number of references. |
2012.04.24 | Gulf architecture 02 | A number of diagrams have been amended. |
2012.04.23 | Gulf architecture 02 Islamic urban design 04 Glossary |
Photographs and notes on the use of ’arish and the lighting of buildings have been added, and vocabulary added to the glossary. |
2012.04.19 | Glossary Gulf architecture 02 Gulf architecture 03 |
Vocabulary has been added to the glossary, and notes and photographs relating to the use of ’arish to the Gulf architecture pages. |
2012.04.17 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 01 | A sketch has been added to a note on cursive patterns. |
2012.04.14 | Gulf architecture 07 Gulf architecture 03 |
A note on an old mosque in the north of the peninsula has been added, together with a note on the construction of stairs, along with a number of photographs. |
2012.04.13 | Gulf architecture 06 | A note has been added on desert alabaar. |
2012.04.12 | Gulf architecture 02 References |
Notes have been added on modern construction and the use of blocks as shurfa. A reference has been added. |
2012.04.09 | Islamic urban design 02 Addendum – population |
A photograph and note on the design of a new building have been added and population figures brought up to date. |
2012.04.08 | Islamic urban design 05 | A photograph and note on the design of road signage have been added. |
2012.04.05 | Islamic geometry 01 | A note with associated drawings relating to the construction of cursive designs has been added. |
2012.04.03 | Islamic urban design 05 | A photograph and note have been added on road signage. |
2012.03.29 | Islamic urban design 03 | A number of photographs and notes have been added on the design of screens. |
2012.03.28 | Gulf architecture 05 | A note and photograph have been added on traditional baluster design. |
2012.03.27 | Society 01 | A note has been added to on one of the pages looking at Qatari society. |
2012.03.26 | Society 02 | A photograph has been added and comments augmented on the hawdaj. |
2012.03.22 | The Babaud and Masson families Cassini and Maraldi references |
A note has been amended relating to Alexandre Frédéric Jacques Masson, and an addition made to the references. |
2012.03.20 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 02 | Notes and a number of photographs on the subject of the muqarnas and patterns have been added. |
2012.03.17 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 01 | Notes and a number of photographs on the geometry of tiling have been added, and some notes amended. |
2012.03.14 | Islamic urban design 03 Society 04 |
Notes and photographs have been added on workers and their housing. |
2012.03.13 | Gulf architecture 07 | A note and photograph have been added on an old mosque at al-Mufjar. |
2012.03.12 | Gulf architecture 07 Islamic urban design 04 |
Notes and photographs have been added on a temporary mosque and the Diwan al-Amiri. |
2012.03.11 | Gulf architecture 02 Addendum – history |
A number of photographs with accompanying notes have been added on the fortified buildings in Qatar, and an addition made on the history page. |
2012.03.09 | Gulf architecture 02 Traditional boats of the Gulf Glossary |
Notes and a number of photographs have been added on the fortified buildings in Qatar, together with a note on sawfish and vocabulary. |
2012.03.06 | Islamic urban design 05 Addendum – population |
A note and photograph on road signs has been added, and the population statistics for 2012 updated. |
2012.03.05 | Giovanni Domenico Cassini Cassini and Maraldi References Glossary |
A note has been added on the marriage of Giovanni Domenico Cassini and a reference added. Some words have been added to the Arabic glossary. |
2012.03.03 | Addendum – boat types | A photograph and note on traditional craft have been added. |
2012.03.02 | Islamic urban design 04 Gulf architecture 07 |
A photograph and notes have been added on the interior of the Diwan al Amiri and an old masjid in the north of the peninsula. |
2012.03.01 | Addendum – geography | A photograph and note have been added on sand dunes and roads. |
2012.02.29 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 01 | A photograph and note have been added on natural geometry. |
2012.02.27 | Perception | Notes on perception relating to vertical lettering have been added. |
2012.02.23 | Arabic / Islamic design | A number of small additions have been made on the Arabic / Islamic design page. |
2012.02.21 | Islamic gardens Arabic / Islamic geometry 03 |
A note has been amended on watering additives and a new page introduced on geometry relating to Qatari carved plasterwork. |
2012.02.17 | Arabic / Islamic geometry 01 | An illustrative study of an Islamic design has been added. |
2012.02.14 | Gulf architecture 08 References addendum |
The Gulf architecture page 3 and References have been supplemented in order to reduce their page sizes, incorporating an additional page for each. |
2012.02.13 | Gulf architecture 03 | Notes, a number of photographs and an illustration have been added relating to the design and detailing around doors and their overpanels. |
2012.02.12 | Gulf architecture 03 References Islamic urban design 02 |
Notes and a number of photographs have been added relating to the design and detailing around doors. Two references have been added together with a photograph and note on a traditionally designed modern building. |
2012.02.07 | Gulf architecture 03 | Notes and a number of photographs have been added relating to the design of the heads of ’enuwf on doors. |
2012.02.06 | Gulf architecture 03 | Notes and a number of photographs have been added relating to the design of locks on traditional doors. |
2012.02.05 | Gulf architecture 03 | Notes and sixteen photographs have been added relating to the design of the ’enf on doors. |
2012.02.03 | Gulf architecture 03 Gulf architecture 01 Addendum – population References |
Notes and photographs have been added on traditional doors, and on painted steel doors. Population figures for January, and three references have been added. |
2012.01.31 | Society 04 | A fourth page has been added to the society pages group, and the group has been rearranged, hopefully, with no mistakes. |
2012.01.29 | Addendum – traditional boats | Fifteen photographs and notes relating to the parts of traditional boats have been added. |
2012.01.28 | Addendum – traditional boats Infrastructure development Glossary |
A number of photographs with accompanying notes relating to elements of traditional boats and roads have been added. A number of words have been added to the glossary. |
2012.01.26 | Bullecourt – battles | Notes on the use of tanks at Bullecourt have been added. |
2012.01.25 | Bullecourt – battles Bullecourt – resources |
A note on Bullecourt has been added and the Bullecourt references amended. |
2012.01.22 | Islamic urban design 02 | Thirteen photographs of villas constructed in the 1970s and 1980s have been added with accompanying notes. |
2012.01.21 | Greeting cards | A number of old greeting card illustrations have been added. |
2012.01.15 | Gulf architecture 03 | A note on modern mazaalij has been added. |
2012.01.14 | Islamic urban design 01 | A note on the first mosque has been added. |
2012.01.12 | Arab geometry 02 | A diagram of a simple construction for a Cairo tile has been added. |
2012.01.11 | Gulf architecture 03 | A photograph and note on traditional doors has been added. |
2012.01.10 | Gulf architecture 07 | Photographs and accompanying notes have been made on mosque design. |
2012.01.09 | Addendum – old Qatar References Addendum – population César François Cassini The Babaud and Masson families References |
Notes and a number of old photographs of Doha have been added along with five references. Qatar’s population statistics have been brought up to date. Notes on César François Cassini and the Marquise de Cassini, together with a reference have been added to the Cassini section. |
2012.01.07 | Addendum – old Qatar | A note, amendments, and a number of photographs have been added on Umm Said, Umm Bab, Dukhan and the centre of Doha. |
2012.01.06 | The Babaud and Masson families Alexandre Henri Gabriel Cassini References Bullecourt – battles |
Notes on the Comtesse de Cassini and her brother, and the wife of Cassini V have been augmented, and references added. A photograph of action at Bullecourt has been added. |
2012.01.05 | Bullecourt – introduction Bullecourt – battles Bullecourt – context |
Comments and photographs have been added to three pages of the Bullecourt section, dealing with the First World War. |
2012.01.03 | Islamic urban design – 2 Addendum – boat types César François Cassini Cassini and Maraldi references |
A photograph and comment on the Government Guest Villas have been added along with an illustration of a sanbooq. An illustration has been added and notes augmented relating to César-François Cassini, and two references added. |
2012.01.01 | Islamic urban design – 4 Battles Context |
Two old photographs of the Diwan al Amiri have been added along with comment. A number of photographs have been added, also with comment relating to the First World War. The copyright notices and updates references on this and other pages of the site have been amended to bring them into line with the new year. |