most recent first…

Amendments and additions – most recent first

rotating images

As I wrote on the first page of this site, there’s likely to be continual changes as it develops over time. Looking at other sites I’ve found I have a problem discovering what has changed since my last visit so, in an attempt to track what I’ve changed myself, I’ll make a determined attempt to keep this up to date by using this page to record each change.

However, although each reference will take you to the actual comment, when there is more than one change on a single page you will be taken only to that page and will then have to look down for the amendment or addition.

The latest additions and amendments to any of the pages will be marked by a pale background – as in this paragraph. I hope this will be sufficient to mark changes and be relatively easily seen.




2009.12.30 Addendum – boats Photographs and comments have been made on sewn planks and sheaves on traditional craft.
2009.12.27 Islamic urban design – 5/5
Islamic urban design – 3/5
An illustration and note have been added on the intended railway system for Qatar, together with a note and photograph relating to the Central Post Office.
2009.12.23 Islamic urban design – 1/5
The three Islamic urban design pages have been divided into five new pages in order to have them load faster. The glossary has also been divided into two pages – the glossary and an addendum. The other pages have been amended accordingly.
2009.12.22 Perception
Appendix – boats
Gulf architecture – 2/4
Notes have been written on movement and direction with regard to perception within spaces, a photograph and note have been added on the shuw’i, and a photograph and note on the ‘Kuwaiti chest’.
2009.12.21 Appendix – boats
Islamic urban design – 3/3
Photographs and accompanying notes have been made on racing craft and concrete bollards.
2009.12.20 Pressures on society Comments have been added relating to educational status and marriage.
2009.12.19 Gulf architecture – 2/4
Islamic urban design – 2/3
Society – 2
Two photos and accompanying notes on mosques have been added, as have two photos and note on new buildings in the New District of Doha, and a photo and expanded note on the use of cars.
2009.12.18 Arabic geometry – 2
Appendix – boats
Additions and amendments have been made to notes on symmetry, and a photo and note added on boats under sail.
2009.12.17 Islamic urban design – 2/3 A note and photograph have been added on the design of drinking fountain containers.
2009.12.15 References A reference has been added on the mathematics of symmetries.
2009.12.14 Gulf architecture – 3/4
Islamic urban design – 2/3
The Cassini and Maraldi families
Notes have been written on traditional door design and mosque layout. The Cassini and Maraldi family tree has been updated.
2009.12.12 Gulf architecture – 2/4
Addendum – security
Society – 3
Appendix – geography
A photograph and note have been added on the design of manara, notes on lighting have been expanded, a note and photographs added on the qutra and kufiyah, and a note and photograph added on rain in urban areas.
2009.12.09 Society – 3 A photograph and note have been added on the decoration of abayaat.
2009.12.06 Islamic urban design – 2/3 A photograph and note have been added on screening roofs for privacy.
2009.12.05 Gulf architecture – 3/4 A photograph and notes have been added on traditional doors.
2009.12.04 A new approach – principles
Islamic urban design – 2
Gulf architecture – 2/4
A photograph and notes have been added to two pages relating to private housing and landscaping, and a photograph and note on old mosques.
2009.12.03 Appendix – population
Gulf architecture – 2/4
Islamic urban design – 1
Population statistics for the last year have been added, as have a note and photograph of the old mosque at al-Arish, and a note on street and block definition.
2009.12.02 Islamic urban design – 2
Arabic geometry – 1
A note and photograph on a building in the New District of Doha have been added, as has an illustration on the geometry page.
2009.12.01 Gulf architecture – 3/4 A note and photograph on door knockers have been added to the area dealing with doors.
2009.11.30 References
Arabic geometry – 2
A number of references have been added, as have sketches, photographs and notes on a simple geometric pattern.
2009.11.28 Islamic urban design – 2/4
A new approach – principles
Pressures for change
Appendix – boats
A note has been added on the new masaajid being constructed at al Khuwair, another on orientation, one on pressures for change, as well as a photograph and note on fishing nets.
2009.11.27 Gulf architecture – 2/4
The household on its lot
Notes and photographs have been added on traditional architecture of masaajid, and on informal leisure.
2009.11.26 Greeting cards
A new approach – details
Gulf architecture – 2/4
Notes, photographs and illustrations have been added on greeting cards, on sikkat and on a traditional room.
2009.11.24 Islamic urban design – 3 A note and photograph relating to signage have been added.
2009.11.23 Islamic urban design – 3 Information has been added on an important transportation contract.
2009.11.22 A new approach – principles
Arabic / Islamic design
The notes on road hierarchies and general landscaping have been expanded. A number of sketches have been redrafted. The definitions of ‘Islamic’ and ‘Arabic’ design have been slightly expanded.
2009.11.19 Society – 2
Islamic urban design – 2
A photo and note on a mounted police patrol in the suq has been added, as has a note and photographs of a new mosque.
2009.11.18 Arabic geometry – 2
Society – 1
An illustration has been added to a note on Arab sciences, and a comment on marriage.
2009.11.17 Arabic geometry – 2
The note on seventeen patterns has been expanded, a diagram moved, another added and two re-drafted. Two references have been added.
2009.11.10 Arabic geometry – 1 A note has been added on symmetry, and a diagram corrected.
2009.11.09 Islamic urban design – 3
Islamic urban design – 1
Photographs and notes have been added relating to signs, and a note added on development in the Emirates.
2009.11.08 A new approach
Graphic design
The page dealing with an approach to housing has been made into two pages, as has the introduction page; the other pages in the Islamic design section have been amended to take account of this. Illustrations have been added to the graphics page on poster design and text amended and supplemented.
2009.11.03 Pressures for change
Addendum – boats
Notes have been added on the pressures on the educational system. Photographs and amendments to notes on the bateel and shuw’i have been added.
2009.11.01 Pressures for change
Islamic urban design – 3
Notes on family relationships have been expanded, an illustration on wayfinding added, and all pages in this section have had their coding checked and, where necessary, amended.
2009.10.31 Addendum – planning
Society – 1
A note has been added on the Senior Staff Housing Project and additional notes have been added on education.
2009.10.29 Society – 1
A note has been added on education, together with words to the glossary.
2009.10.28 Society – 1 A photograph and note have been added on young women and their behaviour.
2009.10.27 Glossary
Addendum – Security
Additions and modifications have been made to the glossary, and a note and photographed added on security.
2009.10.23 Islamic urban design – 1 Photographs of demolition and a note have been added.
2009.10.21 Islamic urban design – 1
Islamic urban design – 1
A photo and comment have been made on strip shopping development, and on fire relating to old buildings.
2009.10.20 Arabic geometry – 2
Islamic urban design – 2
The construction for a volute has been added on one of the geometry pages, and a photo and comment on large villas on an urban design page.
2009.10.17 Islamic urban design – 3 An old photograph and note on driving have been added.
2009.10.15 Glossary
Islamic urban design – 3
A number of additions have been made to the glossary, and notes and photographs added relating to the changing circulation system.
2009.10.14 Society – 2
Gulf architecture – 1
Addendum – planning
Notes and photographs have been added on servants, majaalis and planning blight.
2009.10.11 Glossary
Islamic urban design – 3
Addendum – planning
Additions and amendments have been made to the glossary and photographs and notes added on Grand Hamad and the character of development in the NDOD. A note and photo have also been added on the battles of Bullecourt.
2009.10.09 Addendum – planning A note and photograph have been added relating to the first developments on the New District of Doha.
2009.10.04 Glossary
Addendum – boats
A number of words have been added to the glossary, as well as a note and photograph relating to shuw’i.
2009.10.03 Gulf architecture – 2 Photographs and notes have been added on two old mosques in Doha.
2009.10.03 Gulf architecture – 1
Gulf architecture – 2
Gulf architecture – 3
Gulf architecture – 4
The pages dealing with Gulf architecture have been reorganised from three to four pages, and the rest of the pages amended accordingly.
2009.10.02 Arabic geometry – 1
Arabic geometry – 2
The page dealing with Arabic geometry has been split into two pages and the rest of the pages amended accordingly.
2009.09.30 Glossary
Islamic urban design – 3
A number of additions have been made to the glossary and an illustration of the Qatar Bahrain causeway added.
2009.09.28 Islamic urban design – 3
Gulf architecture – 1
A note and illustrations have been added relating to the Qatar Bahrain Friendship causeway, and a photograph and note on external majaalis.
2009.09.27 Links to other sites
Gulf architecture – 3
Arabic geometry
Islamic urban design – 2
Links to other sites have been added, together with words to the glossary and references, and a link from one of the Gulf architecture pages. An illustration has been added to the geometry page and photos and note on a modern building in Doha.
2009.09.24 Islamic urban design – 2 A photograph and note have been added on modern Islamic styles.
2009.09.23 Addendum – boats
Gulf architecture – 2
Illustrations and notes have been added on the subjects of model traditional craft and the stability of traditionally constructed walls.
2009.09.22 Arabic geometry An illustration has been added to the geometry page and notes revised.
2009.09.21 Planning in Qatar
A number of photographs dating from the early nineteen-eighties have been added together with accompanying notes, and additions have been made to the glossary.
2009.09.16 Planning in Qatar
Gulf architecture – 1
An illustration has been added to the planning page, words to the glossary and a note and photograph on seating.
2009.09.11 Planning in Qatar
Islamic geometry
Notes have been added on the history of planning in Qatar, together with a note on the construction of eight point geometry.
2009.09.09 Islamic urban design – 2 Notes and a number of photographs have been added on villas, the geometric screening of façades and Islamic features on new buildings.
2009.09.08 Islamic gardens
Society – 3
Notes on Islamic gardens have been expanded, and notes and illustrations have been added on the wearing of the qutra.
2009.09.07 Islamic urban design – 1
A note and photograph have been added on urban design, together with a number of words to the glossary.
2009.09.05 Gulf architecture – 1
A note and photograph have been added relating to Western living rooms, and a number of words have been added to the glossary.
2009.09.03 Glossary
Addendum – history
Arabic geometry
César François Cassini
Notes have been added on the history of the Gulf, a number of additions have been made to the glossary and a study has been added to the geometry page. A brief note has been added on César François Cassini.
2009.08.29 Gulf architecture – 2
Society – 2
Addendum – boats
An illustration has been added and notes amended on windows and cill levels in traditional buildings. A reference has been added, as has a photograph on driving and a photograph and note on shwa’i.
2009.08.27 Addendum – boats Photographs and notes have been added on boat construction.
2009.08.26 Islamic gardens
Islamic urban design – 2
Gulf architecture – 2
Notes have been added on suitable planting material for Qatar, the location of air-conditioners on buildings, and fortification details at Umm Salal Muhammad.
2009.08.24 Gulf architecture – 2
Islamic urban design – 2
A note has been expanded and photograph added on vertical gutters and a photograph and note made on additions to villas.
2009.08.23 Addendum – old Qatar
Gulf architecture – 1
Notes and photographs have been added on old Qatar together with an updated photograph on the Pearl development.
2009.08.21 Addendum – history An illustration has been redrawn.
2009.08.20 Islamic urban design – 2
Society – 3
Notes and photographs have been added on building design and jewelry.
2009.08.19 Gulf architecture – 3
Islamic urban design – 1
Addendum – history
Links to other sites
Notes have been added on the treatment of the tops of walls and urban design related to mosques and mapping. Additions have also been made to the glossary, links and references.
2009.08.12 References
Society – 1
Society – 3
Gulf architecture – 1
Gulf architecture – 2
Islamic urban design – 1
A number of references and additions to the glossary have been made. Notes have been added on interaction between men and women, cleaning teeth, landscaping at entrances, the architecture of the nineteen seventies and mihrab design.
2009.08.11 Arabic geometry
Notes and illustrations relating to governing geometries have been made, and a reference added.
2009.08.08 References
Arabic geometry
Appendix – boats
A reference has been added, notes made on the construction of geometric shapes, and a photograph and note added on the steering of traditional craft.
2009.08.02 Perception
Arabic geometry
A note has been re-written and expanded on duality, as has one on spirals.
2009.07.28 Gulf architecture – 3 A note and photograph have been added on water tankers.
2009.07.27 Islamic urban design – 2
Arabic geometry
A note and photographs have been added on the problems of relating air-conditioning units to buildings, and a note and illustration on the golden section in nature.
2009.07.26 Addendum – boats A note and photograph relating to traditional boats has been added.
2009.07.22 Environmental controls
Islamic urban design – 1
Notes on the shading by, and transpiration of, plants have been added, as have a note and photograph relating to urban development in the old centre of Doha.
2009.07.14 Islamic urban design – 3
Society – 1
Pressures for change
Gulf architecture – 2
Notes have been added on public transport, and a number of related areas. A note has been amended on natural skills and a note and photographs added on a Doha mosque.
2009.07.10 Arabic geometry A note and illustrations have been added on ten-point geometry patterning, and a comment started on the concept of perfection.
2009.07.06 References
Arabic geometry
Web design
Gulf architecture – 2
A number of references have been added along with a photograph and note on thirteen point geometry in nature, and a note and photograph of a new traditional door. A sketch has been added on the continuing design of this site.
2009.07.03 References
Islamic urban design – 1
Gulf architecture – 2
Islamic urban design – 1
Gulf architecture – 2
Islamic urban design – 2
A number of references have been added. The note on manara design has been amended, and a note and photograph added on an old masjid in Wakra. Notes and photographs have been added on the road system, old infill housing, and on the development at the point of the New District of Doha.
2009.07.01 Glossary
Islamic urban design – 1
Design studies
Corporate image and logos
The glossary and links have been added to, and an introduction to mosque design expanded. Some graphic sketches have been added.
2009.06.30 Gulf architecture – 2 Notes and photographs have been added relating to old littoral buildings.
2009.06.29 Gulf architecture – 2 A note and photograph have been added on the design of traditional mosques in the peninsula.
2009.06.28 Gulf architecture – 2 A note and photograph have been added relating to urban housing.
2009.06.25 Glossary
Islamic urban design – 3
Islamic gardens
A word has been added to the glossary, together with notes and photographs on demolition of recent buildings and private gardens.
2009.06.24 Islamic urban design – 2 A note and photograph on villa design have been added.
2009.06.23 Islamic urban design – 2
Public housing
A note and photograph on shading devices has been added to one of the urban design pages, and notes and illustrations added on public housing.
2009.06.22 Public housing
Pressures for change
The Babaud and Masson families
Illustrations of the public house scheme have been added on the Islamic design pages, together with a word to the vocabulary and notes on sponsorship. A portrait of Captain John Wesley Wright has been added on the Cassini pages.
2009.06.20 References
Addendum – geography
The public house
The Babaud and Masson families
Cassini and Maraldi references
Pressures for change
Gulf architecture – 2
An item has been added to the references, a note on oil and gas begun, and a little more written about the design of the traditional public house. Notes and an illustration have been added on John Wesley Wright and others to the Cassini pages, and a page has been added that hopefully will eventually list the resources used on the Cassini pages. Photographs and notes have also been added relating to the pressures on land and traditional mosque design.
2009.06.19 Society – 3 A photograph and note have been added on the use of the qutra.
2009.06.14 Pressures for change
The public house
A note and photograph of postage stamps have been added, the notes on the design of the traditional public house expanded and the glossary extended.
2009.06.12 Islamic urban design – 2
Society – page 1
Society – page 1
Notes and photographs have been added on villa design, children’s play and robot camel jockeys.
2009.06.11 Islamic gardens
Site map
A note and photograph relating to water supply have been added and the site map updated.
2009.06.09 Gulf architecture – 1
Gulf architecture – 2
Islamic urban design – 2
A number of notes and photographs of parts of old buildings have been added to two pages, and a note and photo on the Museum of Islamic Art.
2009.06.07 Islamic urban design – 2 A note and photograph relating to the Diwan al-Amiri have been added.
2009.06.06 Islamic urban design – 2 A note and photograph have been added on traditional design in modern architecture.
2009.06.01 Society – page 2
Planning in Qatar
Public housing
A note and photograph have been added dealing with leisure, and two new pages have been started.
2009.05.29 Islamic gardens
A new approach
Society – page 2
A note has been added on watering systems for landscaping, a diagram and note added on theoretical site layouts, and a note and photograph on pearling.
2009.05.27 Islamic urban design – 2 A note and photograph have been added on the Sheraton hotel.
2009.05.22 The Babaud and Masson families
Islamic gardens
Gulf architecture – 1
Society – page 1
Islamic urban design – 3
Three notes have been added to and amended relating to Mme de Cassini, a number of additions have been added to the Islamic references, and a list of salt tolerant plants and watering requirements added. Notes and photographs have been added on the majlis, leisure on farms, signing and the patching of roads.
2009.05.16 Islamic urban design – 3 A note and photograph have been added on development in the New District of Doha.
2009.05.15 Society – page 2 A note and photograph have been added on saluqi.
2009.05.14 Society – page 3
Gulf architecture – 2
Addendum – boats
Notes and photographs have been added on Qatari women’s dress, traditional masjid design and the shuw’i.
2009.05.13 References
Islamic urban design – 3
Gulf architecture – 1
A number of references have been added, together with notes and photographs relating to signing of buildings and majaalis.
2009.05.12 Society – page 3 A note and photograph have been added on sandals.
2009.05.10 Arabic geometry Notes, photographs and drawings have been added on the geometry of three door panels.
2009.05.08 Gulf architecture – 2
Islamic urban design – 2
Arabic geometry
Notes and photographs have been added on on fortified buildings, steel urban gates and Arabic or Islamic geometry.
2009.05.06 Islamic urban design – 2
Islamic urban design – 3
Notes and photographs have been added relating to urban design issues.
2009.05.05 Arabic geometry
Notes, photographs and illustrations have been added on geometry relating to carpets and rugs, and a reference added.
2009.05.02 Society – page 1 A note and photograph have been added on camel racing.
2009.05.01 Society – page 1 The Society page has been separated into three pages to reduce loading time.
2009.04.29 The Cassini and Maraldi families
Arabic geometry
The Cassini and Maraldi family tree has been updated and a number of photographs added to the Arabic geometry page. Some small changes have been made to the Arabic glossary.
2009.04.27 The Cassini and Maraldi families
Jean Dominique Cassini
César François Cassini
Society – page 1
Amendments have been made to the pages on the Cassini and Maraldi families, Jean Dominique and César François Cassini, and a number of additions have been made to the Islamic references, glossary and Society page.
2009.04.22 The Babaud & Masson families
Giovanni Domenico Maraldi
Jean Dominique Cassini
Environmental control
A diagram has been updated and a note and illustrations added to the Cassini section dealing with William Windham and related issues, and notes amended relating to one each of the Maraldi and Cassini families. Information on climate has been enlarged on the Islamic design section, and a number of references added.
2009.04.17 Pressures for change A note on land ownership has been added.
2009.04.14 Islamic urban design – 2
The Babaud & Masson families
Photographs and a note on architectural detailing have been added to an urban design page, and the links on one of the Cassini pages updated.
2009.04.13 Islamic urban design – 2
Islamic urban design – 3
Arabic geometry
Photographs and notes relating to architectural styling and pre-cast walls have been added to the urban design pages. A photograph and note have been added to the geometry page.
2009.04.12 Glossary
Islamic urban design – 2
Gulf architecture – 3
A photograph and note have been added to the urban design page dealing with old gates and to the Gulf architecture page dealing with crenellation. A word has been added to the glossary.
2009.04.11 Islamic urban design – 1
Arabic geometry
Society – page 2
Gulf architecture – 1
Gulf architecture – 2
The Cassini and Maraldi families
A photograph and notes have been added on the development of Doha, together with some diagrams and notes on problems associated with definitions. A photograph has been added to the geometry page, together with a note on inheritance division and note and photograph on pearl divers on the Society page. Photographs and associated notes have been added on the fort in Doha, the palace of the Ruler, and on door design. Two references have been added, and a note on Mme de Cassini has been revised.
2009.04.03 The Cassini and Maraldi families Notes have been amended and expanded on the Marquis de Maillebois and the Prince de Condé.
2009.04.02 Addendum – history Notes have been amended and expanded on the history of the region, and a map improved.
2009.04.01 Glossary
Addendum – geography
Islamic urban design – 2
Additions have been made to the glossary, references and geography pages, and photographs and a note added to one of the Islamic urban design pages.
2009.03.31 Gulf architecture – 2 Photographs and notes have been added on traditional door details.
2009.03.22 Arabic geometry Illustrations have been added on basic geometry construction and patterning.
2009.03.20 Arabic geometry Notes have been added to and amended, dealing with the contemplation and reading of pattern, and a photograph has been added near the top of the page.
2009.03.18 Web design
Islamic urban design – 3
A note has been added on web design relating to this site in the graphic design section, and a photo and note added on road-side advertising.
2009.03.13 References
Addendum – boats
Four books and an article been added to the references page, and a note and photograph on the boats page.
2009.03.10 The household on its lot
Addendum – security
Islamic urban design – 2
A new page has been added dealing with the household and its relationship to the land on which it is developed, a note added on security relating to the house on its lot, and a note and photo added on an aspect of urban design.
2009.03.06 Glossary
Islamic design
Addendum – protection
A number of words have been added to the glossary, two references made, a note added on issues relating to change, and one on the use of blockers on road systems.
2009.03.03 Islamic urban design – 2 A photograph and note have been added on Doha’s Museum of Islamic Art.
2009.02.25 Society – page 3 A photograph and note have been added on women’s accessories.
2009.02.24 Glossary
Addendum – elements
Islamic urban design – 2
Pressures for change
A number of additions have been added to the glossary and references, and amendments to the page dealing with building elements. Photographs and notes have been added on shade structures and the interior of the Museum of Islamic Art. A note has been added on pressures on the economy.
2009.02.19 Addendum – population
Gulf architecture – 1
Gulf architecture – 2
A note has been made on population and planning activity, a reference and a few words added. Three photos and accompanying notes on mosques have been added on two of the Gulf architecture pages.
2009.02.17 Arabic geometry
Graphic studies
A number of small additions and revisions have been made on the geometry page, and a design added to the graphics section.
2009.02.16 Arabic geometry
Society – page 2
Islamic urban design – 2
Gulf architecture – 2
Brief notes have been added relating to the history of Arabic geometry; a photograph added and note made on prayer in working hours, on a beach villa design, and on the use of faroush.
2009.02.14 Links to other sites
A link has been added to a site for those interested in Arabic typography, and a reference to a book on Arabic Sciences.
2009.02.12 Islamic urban design – 2
Society – page 1
Information has been added to a photograph dealing with kufic calligraphy, and number of amendments, alterations and additions have been made throughout the page dealing with Qatar society.
2009.02.11 Addendum – geography A photograph and comment have been added relating to sandstorms.
2009.02.08 Gulf architecture – 2
Gulf architecture – 3
A photograph and notes have been added relating to bolts for traditional doors, and on precast naqsh screens.
2009.02.07 A new approach Notes, illustrations and photographs have been made on issues relating to the provision of shade.
2009.02.02 Society – page 1
Pressures on society
A number of notes have been revised and added on the page dealing with Qatari society, and on the pressures upon society relating to voting.
2009.01.30 Addendum – boats Notes have been added on the history of boats within the region of the Gulf and Indian Ocean.
2009.01.25 Arabic geometry
Addendum – protection
An example of pattern has been added to the Arabic geometry page, and a photograph and note on security to the addendum on protection.
2009.01.23 Addendum – boats
A note has been amended relating to sailing, and two references to books on sailing vessels have been added.
2009.01.22 Islamic gardens
Addendum – links
A note, reference and link have been added relating to Mughal gardens.
2009.01.21 Perception An illustrated note has been added on the impact of printing in the Arabic world.
2009.01.19 The Cassini and Maraldi families
Arabic geometry
Amendments have been made to the introduction to the Cassini and Maraldi families, and photographs and drawings have been added to the Islamic geometry page and notes added and expanded.
2009.01.14 Society – page 2 A photograph and note relating to uniforms have been added to the Society page.
2009.01.13 Addendum – boats A photograph and note have been added to the page dealing with traditional boats.
2009.01.12 References
Society – page 2
A number of references have been added as well as notes and photographs to the Society page.
2009.01.11 Islamic urban design – 2
Design improvements have been made to the Glossary and References pages, and photographs and notes to the Islamic urban design page relating to classical design.
2009.01.09 Islamic urban design – 2 Notes and a photograph relating to the design of compounds for expatriates have been added.
2009.01.07 Gulf architecture – 2 A photograph and notes have been added on traditional ceilings.
2009.01.06 Islamic urban design – 2 A photograph and note on steel gates has been added.
2009.01.03 Addendum – geography
Gulf architecture – 1
A small map has been added to the geography page and some amendments made; a note has been made on camel saddles and a number of words added to the glossary.
2009.01.02 Islamic urban design – 3 A photograph and note on signing have been added to the urban design page.
2009.01.01 Society – page 3
Arabic geometry
Islamic design
Notes have been added relating to media and society, a mathematical constant on the Geometry page, and classical architectural vocabulary issues.


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